Changing to Meet Changing Needs | ACTC


Changing to Meet Changing Needs

March 14, 2017

Education is a constant process of building and remodeling, not only the structures in which we hold classes but also the frameworks though which we offer learning opportunities.

Our BuildSmart initiative is an example of updating a campus building to improve energy efficiency.  The BuildSmart project to update the original College Drive Campus building has proceeded so smoothly that a fourth phase, updating of the administrative wing, has been added and will be completed in fall semester.

Our Title III Strengthening Institutions Grant and Quality Enhancement Plan(QEP) are current examples of updating and adding new courses and services to improve student learning.  Title III activities over the next several years will improve online classes and increase learning support for online students.  The QEP will focus on student career readiness, with a student-portfolio that incorporates academic and career planning, active classroom learning, internship-like experiences and resume/interview preparation.

Just as our buildings must evolve to incorporate new technologies and facility needs, our academic and student support systems must evolve to incorporate new learning technologies and course content needs. Evaluating current systems and processes is ongoing, and planning for improvements is constant. This is the way we strive to provide the maximum value for our students and community.